“John is an icon in the hospitality world. I first met with John while he worked at Best Western and it was clear from the beginning he knew how to handle the many demands of a 2000 hotel brand and all the training needs that this size of a company has on limited resources. John has always stayed active in the business garnering the latest knowledge from the best resources….something most of us should make more time for. If anyone is looking for a consummate professional and an expert in his craft…John would be a terrific candidate. “

“John’s reputation in the industry speaks volumes to his ability to build credibility with an audience. He demonstrates—in many ways—a comprehensive knowledge of adult learning and is emulated by peers and colleagues in the field of training, leading and motivating people. While John possesses many talents and capabilities, it is his passion for hospitality that resonates with everyone with whom he comes into contact.”

As Emerson once wrote, “What lies ahead of us and behind us are of little consequence compared to what lies within us”. – John worked diligently with me as we formed the first Diversity and Multi-Cultural Committee of the American Hotel and Lodging Association – he gave from with-in, and contributed to the success of this movement immensely. This success served both of our companies and their shareholders/stakeholders well. Thanks you, Fred Kleisner Chief Executive officer Morgan’s Hotel Group .

“John was our “go to” expert for many industry training videos produced by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute. I interviewed him in the preparation of my research for a hospitality training topic, and relied on him to review the script and preview cut video with the top level of meticulous expertise only he could provide. He always came through with terrific insights and great enthusiasm. He was our MVP consultant. We knew our projects were bulletproof if they had the John Hogan touch and seal of approval. “

“Dr. Hogan’s passion for the hospitality industry is evident in everything he does. From his exceptional articles and books, to his zeal for making industry connections, it is obvious that “service” is not what he does…it’s who he is.”

“ I first met John when I was just getting into the training portion of my job. I was a little nervous as I was attending an AH&LA certification class with people I had admired in the field…John being at the top of my list. He was funny, informative and took everyone under his wing, even though he was in the same class I probably learned more from hearing him speak than I did from the instructor. He has a special place in my heart today and is on the top of my list of those who inspired me to kick my career up a degree. I am thankful that I know him. ”

“We often sit down and write letters to associates we have met for the first time or whose seminars we have attended and thank them. I planned to do the same with you, except I couldn’t think of superlatives enough to congratulate you on a job well done!
I have been in this business from bottom to top since 1965 and am currently a franchisee of Marriott, Hilton, Six Continents, Choice, Starwood and Cendant and have attended their meetings. Your program, its content and the way it was handled is by far the best I have ever been to. I walked away after two days with a lot of new knowledge and information. Your personal enthusiasm, positive attitude and style made it a pleasure to be there; thank you, congratulations and well done.”

“On behalf of my Little Rock crew, we wanted to say ‘Thank You’ from the bottom of our hearts as many folks have asked me questions about the CHO program and they all say that this was good for their own achievement and advancement. Some of them mentioned that they were shy to talk but after this they feel confident to talk in public.
I also want to highlight one of the member who runs an independent property and he is an older gentleman by age only…. (ND) That person has amazed me and I feel that he should be highlighted in any way to motivate others who feel shy or have a negative image about learning something.
And what can I say of my young future hoteliers who now are prepared to take world over.
Please relay this message to all the honorable trainers who visited us. They did an excellent job.”

“I have had the pleasure of associating with Dr.Hogan for over two decades. He is the professional’s professional. He has made an outstanding contribution to the hospitality-tourism industry and is well respected by industry leaders at all levels. He is an accomplished writer, published author and sought after public speaker. His presentations are well designed and filled with thought provoking insight which makes one question the status quo, which is a positive thing. Dr. Hogan is a strategic thinker, planner and organizer. His work ethics are unquestionable and he brings great value to all of his clients. “

“John Hogan is one of the rare hospitality experts who can offer a special blend of practical and theoretical knowledge of the highest quality. He possesses a tremendous breadth and depth of experience and cares about the state of the industry as a true leader. John is very personable because he cares about the people he knows. He is a pleasure to work with and I am delighted to recommend him as a Founding Associate of HospitalityEducators.com. “

“I know very few people who can match the depth of John’s knowledge and experience in the hospitality and service industries. He matches this with a keen understanding of people – customers, clients, colleagues and co-workers – that leaves everyone who works with him better for the experience. I would heartily endorse John as part of your leadership team. “

“John was already a seminar presenter and certification instructor for the Educational Institute when I joined the organization in 1990. He conducted numerous program over the next few years and has continued to work in the hospitality industry with companies like Best Western International. He has extensive knowledge of various aspects of the industry. “

“Dr. Hogan, I just wanted to thank you again for taking the time to speak with us during yesterday’s summit. It was a pleasure meeting you and your presentations were excellent. I would like to take you up on your offer of copies from your presentation whenever you have an opportunity to send them. Thanks again for visiting with us and I hope you have a safe trip home. Enjoy the rest of your week!”

“John has been a stalwart advocate for hospitality education for more than a decade. Through his role at HospitalityEducators.com, he worked to expose franchisees to a wide range of educational choices and cultural influences with the purpose of strengthening operations. He has consistently worked to stay abreast of advances in managerial thought and incorporate them into his efforts. John is a strong member of our hospitality academy and makes consistent contributions to the field. I look forward to working with John in the future when our paths cross once again. “

“John doesn’t need my recommendation – he received an endorsement 10-12 times per year from 50-75 new Best Western members! Those are huge numbers in a business where we are all judged by what we do daily! He took a program that was floundering and ignored – breathed life into it then revitalized it to the point where it was considered one of the organizations key member “touch points”. All this done with his great organizational skills, humor, big picture focus and subtle motivation. “

“I got my CHO certification through John’s teaching. He really knows how to engage and keep you interested as an audience member while he’s teaching.”

” I had the pleasure to work with John while we were both at Best Western International. I was impressed with his passion for teaching, education and training. I’ve also had the occasion to participate in training delivered by John at lodging conferences; he is an engaging presenter with presence and I know I will always learn something. John delivers valuable and practical information in an interesting way, and is exceedingly well-versed and well-regarded in the industry. In hospitality, I meet many people who simply consider it a business, but for others, it is a calling, and I believe for John it is truly a calling.”

“John is an excellent communicator, as I observed over the seven years when we worked together at headquarters of Best Western International. I personally observed him conducting the monthly ownership membership orientation meetings, as well as at the annual conventions and spring meeting workshops throughout the country. John did a great job of involving each attendee and ensuring that they left the presentations with several actionable take-aways. John was always a pleasure to work with in his capacity as Director of Education and Cultural Diversity. I highly recommend John in his role as an educator, hotelier and business consultant.”

“Although I have admired John Hogan’s writing and speaking for two decades or more, and we have served many of the same clients but at different times, I have yet to have the pleasure of working directly with or for John on a consulting or expert witness assignment. I have shared content from John’s insightful articles with many clients and colleagues over the years. He is a wonderful resource for our industry and I do look forward to collaborating with him very soon.”
David M. Brudney, ISHC, Principal
David Brudney & Associates

“John and I worked together on many Member Focused efforts at Best Western. John was always driven to ensure our efforts delivered measurable benefits at all levels. He guided teams to focus on a quality end product. His efforts were rewarded with continuous appreciation from the entire Membership.
I truly enjoyed working with John and continue to reference his leadership skills as a reference for my personal career development.”

“John is one of the most endearing and enduring personalities you will ever have the pleasure of working with and getting to know. His encouragement, insight, suggestions, and friendship are worth millions to me and anyone who he touches. He is a highly valuable person who brings out the best in people.”

“John has always been a detailed, thought provoking and enjoyable colleague to work with when we were on an Accreditation Commission together.”

“As a sales focused speaker for the hospitality industry, working with (and for) John at Best Western annual conferences proved to be exhilarating experiences as well as professional ones for me. One fear for consultants is trying to assist clients who aren’t clear as to their wants and needs. Not the case with the world’s largest hotel chain as the guiding force in sourcing top-notch, clearly defined educational resources for their franchise community was in the capable hands of John Hogan. I knew of John through his co-author and dear friend of mine, Howard Feiertag, and feel that, as with Howard, our industry owes John a huge debt for his outstanding articles and unwavering commitment to ongoing education. He knows (and lives by the credo) that education is a process, not an event. Thanks John! “

“I have known John for several years and seen him interact in different roles. I am most impressed by John’s more recent contributions to the hospitality industry. John has been very visible and through his writings and speaking engagements he has delivered very timely messages about what really matters in hospitality today. John has a unique ability of bringing relevant matters to the forefront and piques the interest of both seasoned hospitality veterans and new-comers to the business. “

“I have been an avid reader of John’s writings for several years. He is one of those rare communicators able to reach all levels of knowledge and experience; understood and appreciated both by old pros and newcomers to our industry”
I have been an avid reader of John’s writings for several years. He is one of those rare communicators able to reach all levels of knowledge and experience; understood and appreciated both by old pros and newcomers to our industry”

“John was not only a great hotel boss and great teacher, he was a fantastic mentor. He allowed me to exceed and mess up, but always used the opportunities to help me learn and grow. I am very honored to have worked and learned with John, especially in my early years. He helped shape my leadership and decision-making skills no matter what industry I am working. Thank you, John!! “

“I had the pleasure of working with John for a number of years on the Best Western International Governors Education and Training Advisory Committee. John did an outstanding job guiding his department and advancing training and education for Best Western International from next to nothing to the most requested and utilized department with traveling training workshops and online learning and certification programs. All of my interactions with John were very professional and it was a wonderful experience for me to be part of this very important work. I wish him all the best and hope that our path will cross again soon. Karl Ruether CHA General Manager Best Western Icicle Inn “

“John was a great mentor and helped lay the foundation to learn skills that I rely on today twenty five years later. He was a professional and kept us focused on the goals we had before us.He was a good model as a first boss and molded the model of what a boss should be in my mind and one I try to live up to today.”

“Each January, the Texas Hotel & Lodging Association holds a week-long training event at the Conrad N. Hilton College of Restaurant Management on the campus of the University of Houston. This one of a kind, all-in-one hospitality training event has been awarded Best Educational Program in the nation by the International Society of Hotel Association Executives. Employees considered to be the future General Managers of hotels across the state are hand-picked by their management to attend this training venue.
The week is filled with programs on virtually every major facet of hotel operations from hotel law to sales and marketing and loss prevention to hiring and retaining employees and each topic is presented by hospitality figures of international reputation.
For the past two years, TH&LA has had the good fortune of having John Hogan present his session on housekeeping for our students. I note that he has participated in this program for two years because it is only through attendee evaluations that a speaker is invited back the next year.
I can enthusiastically recommend that you use John Hogan for absolutely any training purposes. He is, without a doubt, well-versed, experienced, interactive and entertaining to an audience.In fact, Mr. Hogan is consistently one of our highest rated speakers each year.
We appreciate John Hogan being a partner in education for the Texas Hotel & Lodging Association and assure you that you cannot go wrong by giving him the opportunity to speak to your group.
Please call me toll-free at 800-856-4328 should you have any questions.”
Robin Clinker, Director of Membership